20 Minute Mornings E-Book


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Click HERE to read the full blog post with graphs and data.

It's my hope these pages can be an encouragement to you, but also give you tangible action items to lead you and your business (and family!) to more financial freedom and more memory making. Thats what this process has done for me and how could I not share this with my fellow Etsy friends? I believe in community over competition. I don't lose anything by you thriving - we all gain.

JENLYNN Stock Shop
20 Minute Mornings towards REAL Etsy Growth
ETSY E-book on my journey towards success

Etsy Friends,

You can do this! It's not rocket science. I have been implementing my 20 Minute Mornings Routine since 2018 and I can't believe the growth I've had in the last 3 years. In 2020 I grew by 600%! Bonkers I know.

In this How-To ETSY E-book, I share real data, graphs and numbers from my very own JENLYNN Stock Shop - I'm all in you guys. You can see my numbers, and see how this has worked for me in this 23 page overview of what I believe continues to help me grow. Is it 6 figures? No. Do I have 3 houses? No. But I have been able to significantly contribute to our family income while being momprenuer, freeing us up financially to enjoy life, make memories, and be bigger givers.

*As of right now, we are half way through 2021 and our projected growth is on the high end of the national sales growth percentage year over year of 15%-45%, AND we are in the top 2% of sellers on Etsy!

*File has been updated to reflect all of 2021 growth, a 37% increase in revenue from 2020.